Click here for the Weekly Payments Interest Calculator

Form to Calculate Interest at 10% over a Period of Time on a Principal Amount Calculations
For Both Simple and Compound Interest

Date of the First Day From Which InterestAccrues On a Principal Amount
Date Up To Which Interest Accrues on the Principal Amount *
Amount of Principal On Which Interest Will Accrue **
* Note: The time from the first date to the last date is the Interest Accrual Period
** Note: If a principal amount or a stream of periodic payments had accrued interest from a prior period, the amount might then be the original Principal or Payments plus the interest that had accrued.

Number of Total Days in the Interest Accrual Period
Number of Whole Weeks in the Interest Accrual Period
Number of Days in the Final Partial Week of the Interest Accrual Period

Accrued COMPOUND Interest Over the Accrual Period Defined Above $
Principal Plus Accrued Compound Interest $

Accrued SIMPLE Interest Over the Accrual Period Defined Above $
Principal Plus Accrued Simple Interest $

*** Note: A constant rate of simple interest implies a decreasing effective rate of interest for periods over one year.

Disclaimer: The appropriate formula for the calculation of statutory interest in accordance with Section 406.1(a) of the Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Act has not yet been judicially determined with certainty. This calculator provides for two methods to calculate interest, but neither of these methods may ultimately be methods approved by the Court.